Welcome to nemensis

Your life science recruitment and staffing provider in Switzerland!

We identify and source the specialists who will take your company to the next level. We tailor our services to your requirements and always strive to create bespoke solutions.

For companies

We identify and source the specialists who will take your company to the next level. We tailor our services to your requirements and always strive to create bespoke solutions.

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For candidates

We connect applicants with attractive employers and exciting projects. We listen and find the perfect job matching your skills and with the potential to advance your career.

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The right formula for the best staff

The chemical industry is at the forefront of the Swiss export industry.
As human resources experts operating in the field of life science, we recruit the best chemical technicians, chemists, laboratory technicians, and other specialists. An increasing number of renowned companies are therefore putting their faith in us.

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Engine of growth

Can you even imagine Switzerland without its pharmaceutical industry? Unthinkable.

With its productivity being several times higher than the rest of the economy, specialists are becoming increasingly scarce. In light of this challenge, we will dedicate our resources and knowhow to helping you find and secure the right talents, regardless of their field of expertise or qualifications.

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Our purpose

Our goal as a recruitment service provider is to accompany applicants on their career path and support companies with highly qualified talent. We welcome every success and see it as confirmation of our work. We firmly believe that every person should have the opportunity to pursue their professional passion in a fulfilling job. That’s why we invest all our energy, dedication and know-how to create these connections and improve working life for everyone involved. Together we shape careers and create success stories.


“Who invented it”?

Our capabilities go well beyond the world-famous herb drops.

Swiss luxury foods and nutritional products are sought after both in Switzerland and abroad. The country therefore exports, for example, large quantities of infant and toddler foods, as well as coffee, tea, and spices. Naturally, we also recruit suitable specialists operating in this field.

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Please contact us

What we can offer you: new career prospects or qualified employees.

All you need to do is write us or give us a call. And benefit from our more than 15 years of expertise and industry knowhow.
Our team is looking forward to your call or email.