Shaping the future

Production workers wanted

As a production worker, you are crucial. And to be honest: without you and what you do, nothing works in many areas of the life science sector.

A lot of companies are glad and grateful that there are people like you around. And as you are able to work in a motivated and reliable way in all industries, you are precisely what we are looking for.

Apply now

We’re very much alike:

We roll up our sleeves and we are flexible.

We get started right away. On your behalf.

As a production worker, you often work shifts, you’re able to adapt to new things, and you’re reliable. You can be flexibly deployed and feel at home in all industries. It’s similar for us: we start the search for your job in production right away and look around everywhere. Really everywhere! After all, we want you to like your new job.


For applicants with or without previous experience

We have the perfect jobs for production workers.

Looking for a job where you can bring your experience to bear? Or are you looking for a new challenge? Do you have a specific company in mind where you would like to work? What are you waiting for? Send us your application now. We have fantastic job offers on our job board for industry experts and those switching from another sector, including interesting jobs for you. Full-time as well as part-time.


Send us your application documents now!

Are you a production worker with several years of professional experience or are
you a complete newcomer to the profession?

Apply now. Even if there is currently no job listed on the job board that is suitable for you. We receive new job offers from all over Switzerland every day. They are sure to include something suitable for you too.

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Take advantage of our know-how.

And benefit from extraordinary advantages.

  • Let us advise you and profit from our expertise in the field of personnel services.
  • We will quickly find you a suitable job.
  • You will get a secure job at one of our high-profile customers.
  • Performance-related pay is naturally a given.

Please contact us

What we can offer you: new career prospects or qualified employees.

All you need to do is write us or give us a call. And benefit from our more than 15 years of expertise and industry knowhow.
Our team is looking forward to your call or email.